Download an E-Guide on the Key Advantages of

Raised Bed Gardening vs. Conventional RowS

Louisiana Simple Living

Our mission is to show you how I've been able to grow a surplus of vegetables and fruits in my own backyard organic raised bed garden to help you achieve a bountiful harvest, delicious food, and healthy living through your own backyard.

Are you somebody who has always wanted to start a backyard garden? Are you someone that just enjoys being outdoors, growing your own produce, and cooking it or preserving it to enjoy today or months down the road? If so, this is the place for you!

This free E-Guide will give you insight on the 9 key advantages of starting or reinvigorating a raised bed garden enabling you to be more self-sustainable in your own backyard garden.

Hi, my name is Darrell Ferguson. I'm an avid gardener with over 20 years experience in backyard gardens. It's my passion to share how I've been successful so that others can enjoy the satisfaction themselves that comes from a bountiful harvest.

I hope that you love reading the E-Guide and using it as much as I loved creating it, and I can't wait to share it with you. If you like this content, please check out my content at and my web site at

Darrell Ferguson

Content Creator and Backyard Gardening Expert


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